News That Matters


How to Make A Wooden Bowl By Hand: The Simple and Fun Way

How to Make A Wooden Bowl By Hand: The Simple and Fun Way

Try on these steps to make a wooden bowl on your own. Find a piece of wood about 5 inches in diameter and about 12 inches long. Draw the outline of the bowl onto the wood using a pencil. Using a table saw, cut out the outline of the bowl. Sand down the rough edges with sandpaper until they are smooth to touch. Drill small holes approximately 1-inch-deep along each side of the seam where you will be joining two pieces together, making sure that one-piece has an even number of spots on either side. In contrast, the other piece has an odd number of holes on either side (this will allow you to join them together). Glue one half of one board into each hole on one side of your bowl before flipping it over and gluing it in place in its new place on the other side, giving you 2...
How to Cover a Leather Sofa with Fabric: Simple DIY Ideas

How to Cover a Leather Sofa with Fabric: Simple DIY Ideas

Design, Top
When it comes to choosing a sofa, the quality of the fabric is often overlooked. This is unfortunate because the fabric can make all the difference in feel, look, and durability. Many sofas are designed with leather seating surfaces that come in one color - black. If your sofa has leather upholstery, then you'll need to know how to cover it with fabric. Check out these four simple DIY ideas for covering a leather sofa with fabric that will help you save time and money by doing this yourself!   Why cover your leather sofa with fabric When looking for a new sofa, one of the more important factors you should consider is the fabric. So, if you're considering purchasing a leather sofa, then it's important to know how to cover it with fabric. But if you want to cover your old leath...
7 Keys to Setting Up your Home Office

7 Keys to Setting Up your Home Office

Design, Trending
Circumstances and teleworking have meant that the vast majority of people have had to move their offices to their homes. A task that many have become accustomed to since the beginning of the pandemic, but the reality is that we do not always have that ideal space in which to work comfortably and in which to spend eight hours every day. The need for that workspace in our home goes far beyond teleworking. These types of spaces are also necessary to inspire us, to read a good book, to draw, to update our agenda, or simply to disconnect for a few hours. So the objective of these tips that we are going to give you is not limited only to find an ideal and functional space to work, but rather so that you can develop any of these activities in it comfortably and optimally. Take note because ...
How to Give Your Home an Industrial Style?

How to Give Your Home an Industrial Style?

The new trends in interior decoration opt for dark colors, recover elements that seem taken from an old factory, open spaces, and the use of materials such as steel, wood, iron, or metal. If you are one of those who want to give a renewed air to your home with an industrial touch, without a doubt, this decorative style is yours. Read on to discover those ideas that will make your home the best example of industrial style. Bring out your inner decorator and trust this urban style that was born in the 50s in New York. A trend that draws its origins from the architecture of industries and old factories. Thus, the walls and ceilings are of great beauty without any type of artifice or adornment, not even covered with paint. Wooden beams, exposed brick, and concrete give shelter to spacious a...