How to Make A Wooden Bowl By Hand: The Simple and Fun Way
Try on these steps to make a wooden bowl on your own.
Find a piece of wood about 5 inches in diameter and about 12 inches long.
Draw the outline of the bowl onto the wood using a pencil.
Using a table saw, cut out the outline of the bowl.
Sand down the rough edges with sandpaper until they are smooth to touch.
Drill small holes approximately 1-inch-deep along each side of the seam where you will be joining two pieces together, making sure that one-piece has an even number of spots on either side. In contrast, the other piece has an odd number of holes on either side (this will allow you to join them together).
Glue one half of one board into each hole on one side of your bowl before flipping it over and gluing it in place in its new place on the other side, giving you 2...